Re: Important letter from Flickr’s CEO
|Comme, je suppose, tous les utilisateurs de Flickr, j’ai reçu un très long mail (en fait, deux : je l’ai eu en double à dix minutes d’intervalle) de Don MacAskill, le CEO. Je vous le mets ci-dessous, en compressant légèrement les parties qui ne font que brasser du vent.

Lorsque j’ai souhaité répondre, j’ai eu la mauvaise surprise de voir que ce mail renvoyait à une adresse “”. C’est pas que je sois contrariant, mais quand j’ai quelque chose à répondre à quelqu’un et qu’il me fait le coup du “noreply”, non seulement je mets un point d’honneur à trouver un moyen de lui répondre, mais je le fais savoir.
Voici donc ma réponse. C’est en anglais mais je pense que c’est assez clair pour que tout le monde comprenne.
Hello Don,
I’ve been on Flickr since 2006, and I’ve been a Pro user since 2009. Yep, 10 years now.
I like the service, I like its quality, I like how the photos are displayed (I tend to mix very different ratios). So here I am.But I’m not that happy with how you manage it.
I mean, you just DOUBLED your rates last year, and now you have the guts to send a whiney letter to the long-standing paying customers, saying “baaaaah we’re so good with you but we don’t make enough money baaaaah” for literally 690 words before slyly adding in three small words that rates are AGAIN going up, and not even saying how much they will rise?!In late 2018, two of my closest photo friends didn’t renew their accounts because of the sharp increase in costs. I stuck with you because I hadn’t any time to look for a better service elsewhere and because of, well, habits. Now I feel like this fidelity is not rewarded, not at all. I mean, you don’t even have the basic decency to tell me exactly how much the next renewal will cost me!
And worst of all: you use a “noreply” address to make sure we can’t easily answer!!! Well, sorry, but then I’ll have to make this an open letter so you can read it anyway!
To be perfectly clear: unless your policy evolves rapidly, regarding rate increases as well as clear and honest communication (ie. not hiding the important information in a 700+ words rant), that will be the end of our 13-years relationship.
Have a nice day,
Franck Mée